A Wall of Protection

We were promised that a wall would be built separating America from Mexico! Well, I have seen a magnificent wall being built not to separate us from Mexico, but to separate us from the uniformed militia overtaking peaceful protestors in America. The wall I am seeing is a wall of protection and a wall of separation. This great wall is being fortified by layers of human strength.

As I watch, the wall is being constructed layer by layer. The first layer is a wall of moms adorned in yellow t-shirts, hands locked together, aligned with the love of mothers protecting their children from the neighborhood bullies who are violently taking the streets by force. The weaponized bullies have no regard for the wall of moms and penetrate the wall with gas and batons. The next night, another layer is built as a wall of dads come out with strength, might, and leaf blowers to redirect the gas being blown their way. The next night, another layer is added. It is a wall of vets, comprised of real heroes who served our country and sacrificed their lives, families, and political views to protect our rights and freedoms, including assembly.

The wall of protection is what will separate us from becoming a fascist nation. We must adhere to the late John Lewis’ proclamation to “stand up, speak up, and speak out.” Our liberties are on the line. If we go along to get along, soon, it will be too late. The wall of protection is not the wall we feared, but it is the wall we need!

Quotable Quotes:

Representative John Lewis

“You cannot be afraid to speak up and speak out for what you believe. You have to have courage, raw courage.”

Memorable Verses:

GOD’S WORD® Translation Isaiah 54:17
No weapon that has been made to be used against you will succeed. You will have an answer for anyone who accuses you. This is the inheritance of the LORD’s servants. Their victory comes from me,” declares the LORD.

CDC releases new resources and tools to support opening schools

Press Release:

Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is releasing new science-based resources and tools for school administrators, teachers, parents, guardians, and caregivers when schools open this fall.

With states, cities, and communities around the United States experiencing different levels of coronavirus transmission, jurisdictions should ensure appropriate public health strategies are in place to slow the spread of COVID-19 as the first step in creating a safer school environment. Then, working in collaboration with their state and local health departments, school administrators can employ strategies that best match the local conditions and actions that are practical and feasible in their schools to help protect the health and safety of everyone – including students, teachers, and other staff.

Click here to read the full press release.

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Warnings About Coronavirus Pandemic in the New York-Like U.S. Hot Spots, Florida, Texas, California, and Arizona

Top health experts, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, have warned Americans that the coronavirus is out of control and Americans need to heed warnings by medical experts to embrace mask wearing and social distancing. The U.S. may have to lockdown again like it did back in March because several states are now like New York was at the start of the pandemic in the United States.

“In the News”:

Newsweek: Dr. Birx Calls Florida, Texas and California the ‘Three New Yorks’


CBS News: Staffer for Florida congressman dies of COVID-19


The Great White Hope…

Tom Brady is the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ great white hope! As the Bucs prepare for their season opening game against the New Orleans Saints, two aging quarterbacks face off: the 41 year-old Drew Brees against the 42 year-old Tom Brady. In the background, you have a need-to-win-right-now coach in Bruce Arians and a deliberate and defiant coach in Bill Belichick. The former needs to win with Brady and the latter needs to show he can win without Brady. What an anomaly! Both the Bucs and the New England Patriots are equipped with two talented, young, record-breaking quarterbacks on their roster in Cam Newton and Jameis Winston. Grab your mask and pop the popcorn in case the season begins!

The People Ask for a King…

What better time to explore the rise and fall of King Saul than the current era?

As Samuel aged, the people of Israel no longer felt comfortable with Samuel’s sons leading them. They were dishonest and very unlawful.

1 Samuel 8th   chapter of the New International Version (NIV) lays it out like this:

So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead[b] us, such as all the other nations have.”

But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. And the Lord told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights.”

10 Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking him for a king. 11 He said, “This is what the king who will reign over you will claim as his rights: He will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots and horses, and they will run in front of his chariots. 12 Some he will assign to be commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and others to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and still others to make weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. 13 He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. 14 He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants. 15 He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to his officials and attendants. 16 Your male and female servants and the best of your cattle[c] and donkeys he will take for his own use. 17 He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his slaves. 18 When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.”

19 But the people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want a king over us. 20 Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.”

21 When Samuel heard all that the people said, he repeated it before the Lord. 22 The Lord answered, “Listen to them and give them a king.”

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

COVID-19 has proven to be an invisible stealth weapon that was allowed to penetrate the United States of America, undetected and not refrained.  No alarms were activated. No precautions were taken. Even now the information and preventive measures are suspect at least and inadequate at best. So we are in this atrocity together, for the long haul, we must be vigilant, prayerful and well informed.

If you need more information use these government resources:


Florida Health Covid .gov

COVID-19 Call Center is available 24/7 | 1. 866.779.6121

Florida Website: COVID-19@flhealth.gov

For the latest news on the coronavirus, click here.

El Viroleno – Multicultural Restaurant Spotlight – How Social Media Works

In today’s “Tallahassee Democrat,” the newspaper profiled an El Salvadoran restaurant called El Viroleno. The Central American restaurant is located on Tennessee street and is a small business with one cook who specializes in authentic cuisine. I ran across the article in my Facebook feed and clicked on the link to the newspaper to learn more. Additionally, I searched for the restaurant’s Facebook page because the newspaper shared in the article that El Viroleno has one. My experience is an excellent example of how social media can get the word out about your business. I wasn’t even looking for a restaurant; however, since it was in my feed (and caught my interest), I clicked through to find out more information about the restaurant and the next time I am trying to feed my stomach for lunch I might just stop by.

Internet marketing works! Promote your business where the consumers are—on the Internet, whether it’s on a computer or handheld, electronic device like a tablet or smartphone.



Check out El Viroleno’s Facebook page:


How the Food Truck Bonanza Promotes Diversity and Cultural Awareness

Have you noticed just like the country has gone CUPCAKE CRAZY we also love anything being sold to us from a FOOD TRUCK! This is great news for those of us who promote diversity and cultural awareness because business owners with a passion for cooking their delectable, authentic, multicultural cuisine can share their edible fares to the masses—thanks to their wheels.

Here are some interesting articles on the Web about the topic:

How to Write an Executive Summary for a Business Plan

In our February 11, 2014 blog post, “Business Plan 101: What is an Executive Summary,” we discussed the basics of this all-important section of your business plan.

Eric Markowitz has written an interesting article about how to write an executive summary. In the article he discusses how to make sure that your executive summary is the perfect sales pitch to use when pitching your business to a potential investor. Markowitz states that “the process of distilling the essence of your business down to a page forces you to think hard, decide what’s important, and discard things that aren’t essential to the story line.” This is so true because a lot of times you only have a few minutes to capture someone’s attention, especially a potential financial backer. Make every word count.


Cleaver, Joanne. Starting a Business: An Easy, Smart Guide to Starting Your Own Business. Barnes and Noble Books: New York (2003).

Entrepreneur.com. “Starting a Business: How to Write Your Mission Statement.” http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/65230. October 30, 2003.

Markowitz, Eric. Inc.com. “How to Write an Executive Summary.” http://www.inc.com/guides/2010/09/how-to-write-an-executive-summary.html