A business plan primarily serves two purposes: (1) planning tool and (2) required document to present to potential lenders for financial backing.
Did you know that one of the major reasons a business fails is because the owner lacked a well-thought out business plan or did not have one at all? A business plan is like a road map or blueprint: it’s your design for where you plan to go with your business to make it profitable.
A business plan is when you put your ideas, goals, and strategies in writing and determine whether or not you have a viable business venture. It helps keep you focused on your short and long term goals. Like any writing exercise, the act of writing a business plan forces you to brainstorm about the current and future plans for your business. Additionally, a business plan is necessary if you plan to seek funding from outside resources.
We understand that more likely than not you are an expert in what you are in business for; however, that does not necessarily translate into good business planning skills. That’s what we’re here for at Dvercity, Inc. We can help you with the administrative side of doing business. Don’t wait until you are under pressure to produce a business plan to get one done. Go ahead and get your business in order today!
How? Download our free template for starters and then we can help you with the developmental editing/writing process. Only you know your business best so we have designed the template to prompt you to think about all the different aspects of your business. Our job is to revise and polish your business plan into a professional, finished product worthy of any presentation.
Click here to learn about 10 traditional lending institutions.
Click here to learn about 20 successful start-up businesses.
Click here to learn about venture capital and other ways to raise capital for your business.
Berry, Tim. “The Plan-As-You-Go Business Plan,” Entrepreneur Media Inc. (2008).
Cleaver, Joanne. Starting a Business: An Easy, Smart Guide to Starting Your Own Business. Barnes and Noble Books: New York (2003).
Pinson, Linda. “Anatomy of a Business Plan: The Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Business and Securing Your Company’s Future,” 7th Edition. Out of Your Mind . .. and Into the Marketplace, California (2008).
Tiffany, Paul and Peterson, Steven, “Business Plans for Dummies,” 2nd Edition, Wiley Publishing, Inc., New Jersey (2005).